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Five must-have technology solutions to maximize your business’ efficiency

Technology is an integral part of a successful and efficiently run operational business. It can contribute massively to speeding up certain processes, allowing you to cut production times and leave more time open for other important tasks. However, with so many different business technology solutions out there, it can be hard to make the most effective choices for your particular business. The risk is that you spend a lot of money on a piece of software that is not going to provide the most value to your business. To help you to make the right choice, here are five must-have technology solutions to maximize your business’ efficiency.

  • Anti-virus package

It is crucial to invest in a solid anti-virus package to protect your business’ devices and data from being targeted and hacked by cybercriminals. Choose an anti-virus software package specifically designed for businesses, which will give you the peace of mind that your business is fully protected against malware. For instance, in addition to protecting individual devices, many business anti-virus packages also prevent suspicious traffic from entering your network and potentially infiltrating and stealing your confidential data.

  • Total asset management (TAM)

A total asset management (TAM) system, such as TruQC, provides a great solution for keeping track of your assets. For example, if you own a fleet of trucks or other business vehicles, with the TAM app, you can easily identify which vehicles are onsite and which are elsewhere. It will also provide you with full biographical information on your assets, such as when they were last serviced so that you can keep complete track of them.

  • Cloud computing

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are still operating on a working from home basis. Cloud computing, such as Office 365, provides a centralized information database system that can be accessed through any connected device. This enables you to access your documents and business networks in any location so that your entire workforce can connect with each other, replicating the office environment at home. Check out the Cloud computing training for upgrading your skills in the cloud computing domain.

  • Augmented reality devices (AR)

Business ideas are more impactful if shown rather than told, and augmented reality (AR) devices are a great way to do this. For instance, an AR device can clearly demonstrate plans and prototypes to potential customers and investors if you are a manufacturer. AR technology like the Microsoft HoloLens can really help to show off designs in 3D detail and demonstrate exactly how the product would fit in with the real world.

  • Web video conferencing

Web video conferencing platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams have played a massive role in facilitating the continued operation of businesses during the coronavirus pandemic, as they provide a platform from which you can converse with colleagues remotely as though you were still in the office. Going forwards, these platforms can also be used to connect with a remote workforce and potential customer base from all around the world, removing the need for a hefty travel budget.

Tags: in Business
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