As our loved ones grow older, there comes a time when they are going to need more routine care and assistance in their daily lives. For some, this might be as simple as having help with housework and the like, while others find themselves needing round-the-clock care for medical conditions or an increased lack of mobility.
Whatever your loved one’s personal circumstances are at this time, it can be difficult for everyone involved when the time does arise for increased assistance. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that when that time does come, the safety, health, and security of your loved one is the utmost priority.
Depending on your loved one’s current style of living and their physical and mental capabilities, you might not know precisely what level of care is going to be best for them going forward. To be sure, there are a variety of options in regard to senior living facilities and care for the elderly to choose from. Finding the right fit is important as you want your loved one to still exercise as much independence as possible while at the same time receiving all of the attention and assistance they need.
If you are currently weighing your options and trying to decide what the right level of care is for your aging loved one, here are a few tips to help you decide what they will need from their lifestyle and living situation going forward.
Appearance and Demeanor
Some of the most apparent signs that an aging loved one is in need of a higher level of care have to do with their mood, physical appearance, and their general demeanor. In essence, if you spend some time with them in their home and notice that they aren’t looking after themselves or their environment as well in regard to self-care and housekeeping, they most likely are in need of more assistance.
Mood and demeanor also can be key indicators about how well they are coping in their current situation. The fact of the matter is that as their ability to care for themselves physically and to maintain their home declines, so too will their attitude and general mood. It isn’t exactly uplifting to allow such things to fall by the wayside, and they will most likely be exhibiting lower emotions as a result of their own inability to handle such things on their own.
If such signs become apparent to you, there are several options to consider. If your loved one is still quite mobile, you might simply be able to have a housekeeper come and see to the regular chores a few times a week. You can also have a home health type worker come in daily to help your loved ones to wash and care for themselves if that is also becoming difficult for them.
On the other hand, it might simply be more advantageous to transition your loved one into a quality assisted living community. Such communities can provide daily assistance for your loved ones based on their needs while still allowing them to maintain as much independence as possible.
If this is an option that you would like to consider, you can learn more about what sort of communities are available in your area by checking out Frontier Senior Living
Healthcare Considerations
One of the main motivators behind making the transition into an assisted living community or incorporating additional help and support into the life of a loved one is that of healthcare. Perhaps your loved one has suffered a recent injury and will need some more hands-on assistance for a while as they recuperate. Maybe their health has taken a turn for the worse in recent months, and they need more involved healthcare on a daily basis.
Whatever the situation may be, it is always a good idea to consult with your loved one’s physician in order to obtain as much information as possible about what sort of help they will require going forward. They might simply need help taking certain medication and performing a series of rehabilitative exercises each day, or their needs might be much more involved.
Understanding the healthcare needs of your loved ones will give you a clear indicator about how much independence they will be able to handle as things progress. They might very well be able to manage their current situation with the help of a daily visit from a nurse who can assist them with medication. On the other hand, it might be in their best interest to move to an assisted living facility that offers round-the-clock care, and that has medical staff on-site 24 hours a day.
Mental Health
Aside from any physical considerations that need to be taken into account, the mental health of your loved one should be just as big a part of the conversation. Unfortunately, certain mental health conditions can develop as one age, that goes beyond simple forgetfulness. Such conditions can make it impossible for your loved one to continue living independently any longer.
For instance, if you start to notice the onset of memory loss, particularly in regard to short-term memory, your loved one might be at risk of things like mixing up medication or leaving doors and windows unlocked through the night. Such things can obviously pose serious dangers to their wellbeing and overall safety.
Other mental health conditions to take into consideration are related to loneliness and depression. Your loved one might benefit a great deal from the sense of community that comes from moving into an assisted living community.
Such communities offer opportunities for socialization among the residents and plenty of activities to keep them engaged and encourage them to get to know their neighbors. This can help improve your loved one’s mental state exponentially and help them to feel as though they are not alone. Furthermore, the routine presence of friendly staff will help them to feel looked after in the manner that they deserve.