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How to Reduce Recovery Time for a Sprained Ankle

The ankle is one of the most complex mechanisms in the human body. It consists of numerous ligaments, joints, and muscles connected in a system that allows the movement of our feet. Ankles are incredibly resilient and can bear up to five times our body weight. They play a vital role in enabling us to carry out numerous daily activities. This makes them especially susceptible to injuries, with sprains being the most common ones. A sprained ankle is an unpleasant occurrence as it limits normal day-to-day functioning. Depending on the severity of the injury, the recovery time may vary. However, if you follow certain guidelines, you may reduce recovery time for a sprained ankle and revert to your routine swiftly. Daily Hacked shares what those are in continuation.

What happens when you sprain your ankle?

In the simplest terms, the ankle is a large joint formed by three bones. These bones are surrounded by strong and fibrous tissue making the ligaments. The ligaments connect the ankle joint to the bones of the leg. They render flexibility for motion as well as stability.

Sprained ankles are among the most common foot injuries. Sprains occur when your foot rolls in or out abruptly. There are two types of these:

  • Eversion sprain happens when you suddenly roll your ankle inward. In this case, the ligaments and tendons along the inner part of the ankle are moved out of place.
  • An outward ankle roll causes an inversion sprain. Due to this, the outside ligaments are injured. Inversion sprains are also referred to as twisted ankles.

The severity of ankle sprains varies, and it will affect to what extent you will be able to reduce recovery time. Remember that the ligaments have a specific range of motion and boundaries to render flexibility and stability simultaneously.

The cause of ankle sprains is almost always a trauma of the ligaments during certain activities. Hence, be careful when working out at home or when doing sports on uneven surfaces. Exercising and physical activity is one of the best ways to ensure optimal health. However, make a point to do it right and protect yourself from injuries.

A person in blue sport’s shoes holding their ankle
Ankle sprains most commonly occur during sports activities and tripping over

Symptoms and effects of ankle sprains

Your overall health condition and the strength and flexibility of your body are major factors determining how susceptible you are to this and many other injuries. Thus, combine your fitness routine with proper nutrition to ensure optimal results. For instance, learn and incorporate the health benefits of turmeric in your healthy lifestyle plan. Physical activity and the right nutrients are the winning combinations for a resilient and robust body. It is always better to prevent than cure injuries and ailments.

An ankle wrench can range from mild to severe. To reduce recovery time for a sprained ankle, it is of the utmost importance to determine the severity of the injury. Usually, mild sprains can be treated at home. Here are the signs and symptoms of an ankle sprain:

  • Pain, especially when you step on the affected foot 
  • Tenderness upon touching the injured ankle 
  • Swelling  
  • Bruising

If you are experiencing severe pain, swelling or disfigurement, you have to see your doctor at the earliest. Due to the injury, there is a limited supply of blood in the ligament. This causes the area around your ankle to swell. Take note that sprains require time to heal. Therefore, refrain from overworking the injured ankle, as this will only complicate the issue.

How long does it take for an ankle sprain to heal?

A mild sprain will take up to three weeks to recover. More severe ankle sprains may take up to six months. This is a general rule of the thumb, and it is for orientational purposes only. Each body is unique, and it has varying levels of healing capacity. It is also important to note that once you sprain your ankle, it will be more susceptible to similar injuries in the future. Sprains, in some cases, can have long-term effects, such as chronic ankle pain, or can cause the onset of arthritis in the area. Therefore, make a point to exercise mindfully, wear suitable shoes, and take all necessary precautions to protect your feet. However, if you are wondering how to reduce recovery time for a sprained ankle, the following pointers will give you valuable insight.

A girl with an injured ankle sitting on a couch
Ankle sprains can vary in severity and will take time to heal accordingly

How to reduce recovery time for a sprained ankle

Orthopedists deal with ankle sprains daily. Most people will experience some sort of ankle injury at some point in their lives. To minimize these chances during exercise, the experts at dubaipt.com recommend you always do a proper warm-up before workouts. This increases blood flow in the tissues and makes them more resilient against injuries.

However, if you experience a sudden twist of your ankle, remember the RICE method. This is the most effective way to treat a sprain and to ensure a short recovery time. Now, let’s break down the acronym and see what it stands for.

  • Rest – if you want to reduce recovery time for a sprained ankle, you need to keep it at rest as much as possible. As the affected place is sensitive, standing and keeping it active will cause more damage. So, as soon as you suspect a sprain upon rolling your foot, have a seat immediately.
  • Ice – apply ice to the affected place. This will increase the blood flow, and it will reduce swelling.
  • Compress – wrap the injured place with an elastic bandage to prevent it from unnecessary movements. Compression will further prevent the ankle from swelling.
  • Elevate – the best treatment for a sprain is lots of rest. When you do so, keep your ankle elevated on a level above your heart.

The RICE method for treating injuries is simple but effective. It is also pretty intuitive, so it is easy to remember. If you or a loved one suddenly twists an ankle, remember the steps, and apply them with no delay. This is your best bet to reduce the recovery time of an ankle sprain.

A woman applying pressure on a foot
The RICE method is the most effective way to reduce recovery time for a sprained ankle

Final thoughts

Although ankle sprains are among the most common injuries, you should do what it takes to prevent them. Be mindful and informed on practical health tips and hacks to ensure you know how to react when you need to.

When it comes to the most effective strategy to reduce recovery time for a sprained ankle, ample rest and lots of patience are the simple answer. Once the ligament starts healing, you can incorporate a thoughtfully crafted exercise routine to build strength and flexibility. However, before you are able to do so, follow the RICE method, and optimize the healing process.

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