January 2, 2025 Ultimate News Hub

7 Tips for a Healthy and Stress-free Holiday Season

While most of us wait eagerly for the holiday season to spend time with our loved ones, a few silent “troublemakers” also creep up to put a damper on the holiday spirit. Research has revealed that people put on weight during the holiday season and sometimes can also become more stressed than usual.

The unhealthy eating and abnormal sleep times add to the stress and pounds. But let these not spell bad news for your holidays. We’ve suggested a few tips that you can adopt for a fun and happy holidays.

  1. It’s flu season and there’s the Coronavirus too to add to holiday troubles. Wash your hands often and make your kids do the same. Frequent washing of hands prevents the spread of germs. Use soap and clean running water to wash your hands. CDC recommends washing and rinsing hands for at least 20 seconds.
  2. If possible, get your vaccinations on time. They help prevent diseases and save lives. It is advised that every individual 6 months and older receive the flu vaccine each year.
  3. While on a holiday it may not always be possible to eat homemade food. At such a time it makes sense to eat healthy, such as consuming larger portions of fruits and vegetables and smaller portions of fatty foods or those eatables that are high in salt and sugar.
  4. Holidays mean parties and fun. Parties involve alcohol. If you do drink, cut down on alcohol or try to consume small quantities. Over consumption of alcohol can damage your immune system. A refreshing alternative is sipping mineral water or club soda with lime.
  5. Along with avoiding over consumption of alcohol, also try to avoid smoking. Stay away from secondhand smoke too. Tobacco not only poses health risks to smokers, tobacco smoke is extremely harmful for nonsmokers and can put them at risk too. Being smoke-free helps.
  6. Be safe on the road if traveling to your holiday destination by car. To avoid mishaps on the road and car accident injuries ensure your vehicle goes through a proper maintenance check before start of journey. Also, make sure everyone in the car is belted up and safe before you hit the road. Children should be in their child safety seat or booster seat. Do not drive if you are under the influence of alcohol. Have someone else take the wheel if you have been drinking. Drunk driving puts everyone in danger on the road, you as well as others using the road.
  7. Too many fun activities during a holiday can sometimes stress you out and also affect your sleep. Get good quality sleep of 7-8 hours that can rejuvenate you and help you enjoy your holiday better. Whenever possible switch off your electronics at least an hour before you go to bed. To be able to sleep well relax in a hot bath. Unwinding and de-stressing can encourage a good quality sleep cycle. Good sleep equals good mood.

Don’t let the holiday stress get to you. Your health is in your hands. Why impact your immune system by indulging in excess?

Being safe on the road also helps. Stay away from alcohol if you will be driving. Do not drive if you are too tired or have not been sleeping well. Even a slight distraction can cause you to collide and injure yourself as well as the other occupants of your vehicle. If you do unfortunately end up being involved in a car crash, it is important you get your injuries evaluated immediately.

For natural and holistic healing and care of your health, you can visit our accident injury treatment center in Miami to heal without depending on drugs or medications. To know more or schedule a consultation with our accident injury specialists, you can call 305-928-2828 and understand the many options of chiropractic treatment.

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