February 3, 2025 Ultimate News Hub

Wear A Seat Belt To Protect Yourself And Others During A Car Crash

Do Seat Belts Save Lives?

Statistics reveal that in over one-half of all fatal car accidents victims are not properly buckled up. Seat belts save lives, but only when used correctly.

Risk of fatal injury can be reduced by almost 45% to a front seat passenger wearing a seat belt. Also, it has been seen that adults who buckle up are more likely to have children in their cars buckled up too.

Seat belts saved an estimated 14,955 lives in 2017. But had everyone buckled up, an additional 2,549 lives could have been saved in 2017. Numbers of the same year show, of the total lives lost in 2017, that as high as 47% passenger vehicle occupants were not wearing seat belts.

Yes, seat belts save lives.

Of the many gadgets invented to make driving around in cars safe, seat belts have been the most important invention. They cannot be replaced by air bags or any other modern invention. There is no alternative to wearing seat belts while driving.

How Does A Seat Belt Help?

At the time of a collision when your car stops abruptly, a seat belt holds you in place and helps your body to safely slow down. Without a seat belt to decelerate, you could end up with fatal injuries in the event of a crash.

To reduce the risk of injury during a car accident ensure you wear your seat belt properly. The lower part should sit across your lap and not be placed across your abdomen, while the upper part should go across your chest away from your face and neck. Wearing a seat belt also prevents you from receiving a ticket or fine.

Do Children In Florida Have To Wear Seat Belts?

The law regarding seat belts in the state of Florida came into existence in 1986. All children are required to wear a seat belt by Florida law or be in a child safety restraint while traveling in a car.

Children aged 3 years and younger need to be restrained in a federally approved child restraint system. Those between the ages of 4 and 5 can either be in a child safety restraint or wear a seat belt that fits them properly. It is the driver of the car who is responsible and has to ensure that all kids in the car are safe and following the seat belt laws of Florida.

Some Myths About Wearing Seat Belts

Myth 1: Wearing one traps you in your vehicle during a crash.

Not true.

During a collision there is a high risk of you being thrown out of the vehicle due to impact. Seat belts hold you in place and prevent you from being knocked unconscious. It is easy to escape during an accident if you’re in a conscious state. It is possible that the impact can cause you to receive some injuries from your seat belt. But these are minor as compared to what you would sustain in case you were not wearing a seat belt at all.

Myth 2: I don’t need to wear a seat belt because my car has airbags.


Air bags do not work in isolation. They work along with seat belts to provide you complete protection.

During a crash, your seat belt holds you in place while the airbags provide you cushioning. If you’re not wearing a seat belt at the time of the accident, the impact will throw you around.

Since you’re not in the proper position, when the airbags deploy they will not be able to provide you the protection you need. Wear your seat belt at all times, whether your car has airbags or not.

Receive Expert Help

Some of the common car accident injuries include whiplash, herniated disc, concussion, fracture, and spinal injuries. While most of these injuries heal with time, there are some injuries that do not fully heal. They become the cause of lifelong pain.

To prevent this from happening, the law tries as far as possible to keep us away from such situations. And, making seat belts mandatory is one of them. If you’ve recently been injured in a car crash, we advise you to not cause further delay and seek prompt medical attention.

Visiting a chiropractor after a car accident will not only reduce the risk of chronic and lifelong pain, but will also save you from incurring astronomical medical costs on treatment.

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